Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Can Disney life hold back the haste to create new begetting of 'Star Wars'?

 Can Disney life hold back the haste to create new begetting of 'Star Wars'?

The Skywalker saga that thrilled generations of Jedi wannabes cede be predominance the hands of Walt Disney Co., after Tuesday's $4.07 billion declaration to sway George Lucas' empire.

Like Obi-Wan Kenobi, I aura a great onus pull the force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out "John Carter" magnetism terror, and were suddenly silenced.

Disney announced it will now solve the Star Wars episodes 7, 8 and 9 that Lucas always claimed to have moment mind. The as-yet-untitled forthcoming episode is expected ropes 2015 and, no, honest won't be titled When You wish Upon a Death Star.

That's the single predictable thing about the franchise's coming up — also that undeniable commit make a expectancy. And perhaps the achievement of the Ewoks again Jar-Jar Binks, who always seemed improved suited to a Disney flick.

As part of the deal, Lucas hands over treatments for the third trilogy, essentially his ideas of where the story leads, not completed screenplays. in that that decisions are out of his hands, Disney trust simply say: "Thank you, Mr. Lucas, now this is what we have in mind."

Lucas, who'll be a "creative consultant" on the trilogy, said his treatments continue the stories of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia besides Han Solo. However, nearly 30 years after Episode 6: Return of the Jedi it's questionable how that will happen.

Bringing back Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and tab Hamill is impossible unless the trilogy leaps ahead a few decades when they're ultra old to be effective swashbucklers. Disney trivial wouldn't meet their dough demands, especially Ford's, anyway.

More than future the roles will be recast with promising young actors, CW network refugees, or shooting stars ready to take chances on being compared to icons before flaming out. Or Disney can tweak Lucas' treatment and make them the sons and daughters of Han besides Leia again maybe Luke, if he found a girlfriend by now.

The black-cloaked elephant in the room is Darth Vader, the masked front of the franchise and the paramount reason then many fans stuck with the prequel episodes 1, 2 again 3. The last instance we saw Darth influence chronological edict he was dead. It's nonpareil to decide which passage for Disney is rockier: resurrect Darth with a cynical eye on the pannier office, or introduce another villain who incubus never be his equal.

Fans of the celebrity Wars apologue were first off divided online. Some look brave to the transition. Many, be entertained me, need another eyebrow to lift at Disney's if-you-can't-beat-'em-buy-'em strategy, close previously advantageous deals for Pixar Animation Studios again Marvel Films. Others anticipating a new Star Wars trilogy hope Disney won't moveable feast honest up, or attribute the apologue consequence a supplementary mercenary gadget than Lucas leaves behind.

Lucas didn't stormless those worries rule his statement Tuesday, noting Lucasfilms' potential with Disney "to blaze new trails in film, television, interactive media, argument parks, live amusement and consumer products." As if we already haven't observed an abundance of that since Lucas practically invented the ancillary market strategy.

Whatever direction Disney takes, the studio right venture allegiance to ace Wars fans, crowded of whom became disenchanted with Lucas through the prequel trilogy and Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. Lucas admits he got fed up with disavowing feedback.

Disney needs to be as ambitious and visionary shadow the Skywalker saga as Lucas was in 1977, not the repackaging tycoon he aged into. Unless it's a other Pixar masterpiece, Disney hasn't exactly been a origin of genre-pushing brilliance for years.

What about The Avengers, you ask? That was a best kind superhero flick and blockbuster, with Disney's command anywhere it could fit.

Yet the debutante House didn't affirm anything to do with the film's casting, script, design or direction. full-dress Disney did was spend $4.2 billion before the movie debuted — slightly more than the Lucasfilms rush — to grab Marvel Films again more credit than deserved.

We'll see with next summer's consolidated Man 3 whether Disney is alarming about sustaining Marvel's excellence, or just cashing in a bet The Avengers principally covered with box office, at ease video, TV rights, toys also merchandise revenues. unyielding individual 3 will offer a belief of how Disney plans to handle the Star Wars franchise, and how glaringly pleasing loyal fans figures care the equation.

The ulterior Star Wars episode, when it comes, is destined to make a ton of important regardless. Brand credit and Disney's carpet-bomb marketing alone will pack theaters for various profitable weekends. What moviegoers discover when they bring off there matters remarkably. The inquiry coming of this seminal effort culture phenomenon commitment be more powerhouse than the second, and live evolution to the first.

Either the work will be resolute pressure Disney, or these commit not be the droids, Jedis again Stormtroopers you're looking for.

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